9408 Wilson Ave SW, Byron Center, Mi 49315

(616) 878-1619

Email: parishoffice@stsebastianmi.org


Prayer Shawl Ministry

All are welcome to join us on Wednesday afternoons from 1pm to 3pm in the Parish Hall, Classroom D.

Come and knit or crochet prayer shawls that we give to families after they have lost a loved one.  We also make burden bears for Trillium Woods and are looking for help in sewing the bears, stuffing the bears and getting them ready for the patients of Trillium Woods.  As we craft prayer shawls and burden bears we pray.  We take time to socialize, too.


Help Needed!  Do you sew?  We are looking for people to help make the “skins” for our Burden Bear Ministry.

We make these bears for Trillium Woods Hospice Care.  They need at least 30 of our bears per month for the patients in their care.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact Mona Andre at mona@stsebastianmi.org or 616-878-1619.  Thank you for considering helping out with this ministry!

Care for the Sick Ministry

Ministry to the Sick

We are looking for Good Samaritans who would be willing to minister to the sick of our Parish when there is a need.  This could be supplying a few meals, or organizing a group to offer meals, or other needs they may have, especially when they have no family in the area.  It can also be just visiting with them and taking them the prayer shawl that our parishioners have lovingly made for them.  Many hands make light work!

If you are interested in helping out with this ministry, please contact   Dianna Rottiers at 616-878-1619 ext. 116 or dianna@stsebastianmi.org.

Thank you for prayerfully considering this opportunity.

Centering Prayer Group

Meetings are on Monday evenings in the Historic Church at 7:00 pm. 

Contemplation is a traditional form of Christian prayer rooted in Scripture. Centering Prayer is a modern expression of this sacred practice. Do you hunger for a deeper life of prayer – a support system to help you sustain that prayerful, spiritual growth?

We invite you to join us to learn more about Centering Prayer and to pray it with us each week!


Knights of Columbus

Officer Meetings take place on the first Monday of the month in the K of C Meeting Room at 7:00 pm.

Monthly Meetings take place on the second Thursday of the month in the Youth Center at 7:00 pm.


Sponsored by the K of C St. Sebastian Council 14642


 Visit the Knights of Columbus Facebook Page

St.Sebastian K of C Website: http://kofc14642.org/

Morning Men's Group


Mother's Ministry Group

Mother’s Ministry is a group where moms can meet with each other in community, prayer and support.


Young Child Play Group

We welcome all those with small children at home (or those with older kids that would just enjoy the fellowship and support of  others) to join in a playdate hosted in the Main Church nursery on the second Friday of every month to allow the children time to play and bond as well as the adults.   No childcare will be provided.  A small activity for the kids will be available.

The Young Child Play Group
Friday, March 7, 2025,
at 10:00am in
the Main Church Nursery






50+ Ministry

If your life experience is 50 years or more—single or married—male or female—then this is the place for you!  Our primary mission is social, however, we also provide spiritual service activities to participate in.  We accomplish this through the various events which include but not limited to: the best potlucks, games, praying the rosary, canvas painting, participating in the Stations of the Cross, special speakers, and much more!  


50+Ministry Book Club
Orphan Train
By Christina Baker Kline
Thursday, March 20,
Parish Hall, St. Irene Room

Book club meets the third Thursday of the month. For more information about the monthly book club please contact Mary at (616) 277-4057 or msmith330@earthlink.net.

Divorce Support Group

Please check back periodically as to when this program will be offered again.

Thank you!


“…Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom

of God belongs to such as these.”  Mark 9:36-37

The nursery is for children through the age of three.

The nursery is Open starting Sunday, September 15, 2024 and is held during the 10:30 Mass.

Purpose of Our Nursery

  • To provide a safe and secure place for parents to leave their children while they attend Mass on Sunday morning.
  • To nurture little ones physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
  • To help children begin to associate God with loving people and enjoyable activities, in this way preparing the child for future spiritual training.
  • To help children know that they are a special part of our church family.

If this ministry is something you are interested in please contact Morgan@stsebastianmi.org or 878-1619 X103

We need both adult and teen volunteers (7th grade and above) at this time.


Child Care


We often need childcare for events like RCIA, Crossroads, First Communion Retreats, Bible Study, Mom’s Group, etc.  Sometimes it is once a month, other times it is for one day a week for 6 weeks, or even just for one evening.

It is a wonderful way to give of your time to allow parents to get a much needed break and to grow in their faith. Please consider helping out in this important ministry.

Please contact Morgan@stsebastianmi.org, if you have any questions or are able to volunteer..  Both adults and teens 7th grade and up are needed.

Garden Committee


The St. Sebastian Garden Committee is in need of  volunteers to help with the watering and weeding of the various flowers and plants on the Parish Grounds.  It’s a great way to get outside and help your parish community!

If you would like to help, please contact Jane: jcalkins7853@comcast.net