9408 Wilson Ave SW, Byron Center, Mi 49315

(616) 878-1619

Email: parishoffice@stsebastianmi.org

Euchre and Cribbage Nights

Euchre and Cribbage Nights

Games begin at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall.  Please arrive early to sign in.  $10 per person. Come alone or bring a friend.  Prizes determined by number of players. Gives back 1/2 of the money. Parishioners: Please bring snacks to share.

Questions, call Deb at 616-681-2341.

 Upcoming Dates

We have 22 people, so far, interested in playing Cribbage once a month. We will be meeting on the first Friday of every month. Games begin at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall. Please arrive early to sign in. Come alone or bring a friend.

Upcoming Dates