9408 Wilson Ave SW, Byron Center, Mi 49315

(616) 878-1619

Email: parishoffice@stsebastianmi.org

CSA 2025

Our CSA Goal is $238,530.00 and 100% participation.

Your gift will change lives for the better, impacting 175,144 Catholics and thousands more in our community and beyond.

The CSA Collection supports
Priestly Vocations
Catholic School Education
Cultural Ministries
Catholic Charities West Michigan

Euchre Nights

Games begin at 6:30pm.  Please arrive early to sign in.  $10 per person. Come alone or bring a friend.  Prizes determined by number of players. Gives back 1/2 of the money. Parishioners: Please bring snacks to share.

Questions, call Deb at 616-681-2341.

 Upcoming Dates


Below is a list of items that can be placed in the donation box in the Narthex.

  • Microwaveable Soups & Pasta (w/ pop-top to be poured in microwaveable dish OR microwaveable container)
  • Peanut Butter– 16 oz plastic containers
  • Easy Mac & Cheese Cups or Packets (single-serve packets or microwaveable containers)
  • Fruit Cups (ex. Mandarin oranges, peaches, pears, mixed fruit)
  • Pudding Cups
  • Microwave popcorn
  • Meat Sticks
  • Breakfast Bars and Granola Bars
  • Trail Mix– single serving bags
  • Animal Crackers– single serving
  • Cheese Sandwich Cracker Packs