9408 Wilson Ave SW, Byron Center, Mi 49315

(616) 878-1619

Email: parishoffice@stsebastianmi.org

Religious Education – Preschool-Grade 5



Our vision is that every child comes to know, love and have a personal relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ in order to respond to the message of the Gospel.

Our mission is to help our children experience the presence of God in their lives; by learning who Jesus Christ is by the guidance of the Holy Spirit; by following the ways of Jesus Christ through stories, beliefs, symbols, traditions and prayers of our Catholic faith; and by developing their God given gifts and talents to serve others.

Our goal is to support the faith life of families, knowing that it is in the domestic church of the home that faith develops and is nourished.  Because faith is “caught” more than “taught,” family involvement is central to the success of our Religious Education Program.  Therefore, we will support and enhance the efforts of parents and/or guardians who share their Roman Catholic faith at home with their child.


2023-2024 Calendar

2023-2024 Religious Education Calendar can be found here.

RE Meeting Times

3 Year Old Preschool through Kindergarten will be held during the 10:30 Mass in the Parish Hall.

Grades 1-5 meet in the Parish Hall on Monday and Tuesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:15pm. You choose the night that works best for your family.



2023-2024 Religious Education Registration Form

2023-2024 REGISTRATION can be found here.


Catechists--Substitute Catechists--Sacrament Preparation Catechist

Do you hear God calling you to this ministry?

The work of being a catechist is truly God’s Work.

**If you feel God is nudging you and want to discern His call.

CATECHIST – The word catechist comes from the Greek word “echo”. Catechists are people who ECHO the Word of God.
Pre-School and Elementary students need the leadership of Confirmed teens and adults who will guide them as they grow in their understanding of themselves, of God’s love, His Church, and its mission.

Catechist Job Description:

  • Teach one hour and 15 minutes each week (September-April)
    • Approximately 1 to 2 hours of preparation time for each lesson
    • Arrive at least 15 minutes before class to prepare the materials and set up classroom
    • 10-15 minutes to clean up classroom and put things away after each session
    • Complete a criminal background check
    • Attend a Protecting God’s Children session before the start of the first class
    • Read and sign documents from the diocese
    • Attend scheduled catechist meetings
    • Receive your Basic Catechist Certification within a year (8 hours of formation) and continue to keep certification up-to-date

Skills to be Used/Developed:

Catechists are called to prepare for this important ministry by acquiring the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to communicate
Gospel values and Church teachings effectively for different age groups. It is required that you be a worshiping person of faith by
attending Mass, participating in the sacraments, and making time for your own personal prayer. Additional qualities which are
helpful: leadership, patience, like to tell stories, ability to be a good listener, sense of humor (big time), flexibility, and enjoy being
around children. Materials are provided with supplemental materials in the resource room.

The diocese requires that our Catechists receive their Basic Level I certification by the first year. This is accomplished in a variety of ways. Certification allows catechists to be formed in their own adult faith. You will have the opportunity to update and renew your understanding of Catholic teachings in an adult context. It will give you greater confidence both in your ministry and your own personal growth as a disciple of Christ.

Catechist for Sacramental Preparation:
Sometimes we need a catechist who would be willing to prepare a child(ren) for sacraments not received; such as reconciliation, and/or communion. Materials are provided and you would meet with the child(ren) at a safe place and a time that works for all involved.

Substitute Catechists:
The RE program is always in need of substitutes for all sessions. Catechists may become ill or other things arise. You might be called in advance or last minute. Materials and lessons will be ready for you. Please consider being a substitute. Substitutes are a very important component to this ministry.You will need to bring a smile, enthusiasm and positive attitude.

  • If you are 18 years or older, you must attend a Protecting God’s Children session, complete a criminal background check, and  read and sign documents from the diocese

If you would like to volunteer as a Catechist,  or Catechist for Sacramental Preparation, please click the link and fill our the application form below.

You may also click on the link below, print and complete the form and return it to Morgan Domeier at the Parish Office.

Religious Education Catechists for Preschool through Fifth Grade Catechists, Substitutes, Sacramental Preparation

Please contact Morgan@stsebastianmi.org or 616-878-1619 X103.

Classroom Assistants & Substitutes


It is required that you be a worshiping person of faith by attending Mass, participating in the sacraments, and making time for your own personal prayer.  Additional qualities which are helpful:  leadership, patience, an ability to be a good listener, sense of humor (big time), flexibility, and enjoy being around children.

Job Description:

  • For those in Grades 6-Adult
  • Your job is to support the Catechist
  • As a classroom assistant you should participate in activities as much as possible; it helps the kids relate to you and sets a good example for them.
  • This ministry entails one hour and forty minutes each class from September through April.  Class is one hour and fifteen minutes, however, you will need to arrive about 10-15 minutes before class and will need to stay and clean up at the end of class.
  • Depending on the catechist you are with, you might be asked to take attendance, help set up the classroom before class, encourage children to pay attention or behave themselves, prepare notes for absent children, help set up the room, make sure the room is clean before leaving, run copies, or help children with projects, among other things.
  • If you are 18 years or older, you must attend a Protecting God’s Children session, complete a criminal background check, and  read and sign documents from the diocese

Substitutes for Classroom Assistants

Please consider being a substitute.  Classroom Assistants may become ill or other things arise.  You might be called in advance or last minute.

If you are interested in becoming a Classroom Assistant or Classroom Assistant Substitute, please fill out the form below.

More questions?  Contact Morgan at 878-1619 or morgan@stsebastianmi.org

Children's Liturgy of the Word

This ministry is available from June-August 2024

If interested in being a leader or assistant-please contact morgan@stsebastianmi.org

Children’s Liturgy of the Word
during the 10:30am Mass
for those
4-year olds to Grade 2

Children will be dismissed after the Opening Prayer to follow the leaders to the LAMP room.  There, they will continue the Liturgy of the Word by listening to the readings and talking about them on their level.  Children will be returning to their seats during the offertory.

Parents, just a few notes…

  • Make sure your child knows where you are sitting so it is easy for them to return to you at offertory.
  • Make sure your child has used the restroom before Mass begins.
  • The only thing they may bring with them is their offertory to place in a basket that will be in the room.
  • Remind them that even though they are leaving at this time, they are still in Mass.

Contact Morgan@stsebastianmi.org
As Soon As Possible.  Thank you!

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please contact morgan@stsebastianmi.org.

Other Volunteer Opportunities

If you are not able to volunteer in the classroom, there are still many ways to help make our Religious Education a success!

7 Ways to Help Our
Elementary Religious Education

1. DONATE CRAFT ITEMS ~ Craft items are used within the classroom, and other misc. events.

2. DONATE FOOD OR DRINKS ~ for special occasions.

3. TAKE PHOTOS ~ We’d love to have memories of our special events, class photos, etc.

4. PREP ITEMS AT HOME ~ There are many times items need to be traced, cut, glued, stapled, etc. You can take them home to do and then return them to us.

5. LEAD A SPECIAL SESSION ~ It would be so nice for the children to see other St. Sebastian members sharing our faith with them. If you have a favorite saint to talk about,
lead us in rosary, etc. please let me know and we can schedule a time for you to come and talk with the children.

6. PLAN SERVICE PROJECTS ~ Help put together service projects for the children to participate in.

7. PLAN SOCIAL ACTIVITIES ~ Help put together events for families to do.

Please contact Morgan Domeier at 616-878-1619 or morgan@stsebastianmi.org if interested in helping in any of these areas.


Hand to Hand

2023-2024 School Year  St. Sebastian Parish partnered with Hand2Hand to provide students in need at Byron Center West Middle School with weekend food.

Click here for the list of food you can donate.

Questions: Contact Morgan Domeier (morgan@stsebastianmi.org)