2024 SCUBA VBS TEEN VOLUNTEER SIGN-UP Youth Name(Required) First Last Parent/Guardian Name(Required) First Last Parent/Guardian Name First Last Are you a member of St. Sebastian Church?(Required) Yes No Adult Cell Phone Number(Required)Youth Cell PhoneBy entering this cell phone number, parent gives permission for us to text or call their youth to give information about VBS, if neededYouth EmailBy entering this email, parent gives permission for us to email their youth to send information about VBS. Where do you wish to help? You may check more than one.(Required) Reef Rec Games Helper Crew Leader (Responsible for 3-5 kids in a larger group of 15-20; 7TH-12TH GRADERS ONLY) Substitute (fill in where needed) T-Shirt Size(Required) Youth Small Youth Medium Youth Large Adult Small Adult Medium Adult Large Crew Leader & Station Assistant TrainingIf you are a Crew Leader or Station Assistant, please notify below your attendance at a brief training meeting on Wednesday, June 12th @ 6pm.I will be attending the Crew Leader & Station Assistant Training on Wednesday, June 12th @ 6pm(Required) Yes, I will be attending No, I am not able to attend Other opportunities to assist with preparation before VBS I can help with donations, call or email me. Scenery- help prepare props and items needed by painting backdrops, making signs, preparing crafts, ect. if I’m available on the dates you set up Prepare materials at home Setting up hall June 20-21 Time TBD Clean up immediately following the event, Thursday June 27 Grade Entering in the Fall6th7th8th9th10th11th12thFreshman Year of CollegeMedical Treatment Release SUBMIT Agreed and accepted As the parent or legal guardian, BY CLICKING “SUBMIT” BELOW I hereby authorize first aide/medical treatment for my youth(s) who is/are listed above in the event of an emergency which may endanger her/his life, cause disfigurement, physical impairment, or undue discomfort if delayed. It is understood that efforts will be made to contact the emergency contact person listed on this form as soon as reasonably possible. In the event that my youth(s) requires my authorization for treatment and I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give my permission to the physician selected by the activity leader to hospitalize, secure medical treatment, and/or order an injection, anesthesia or surgery for my youth(s) as deemed necessary. Furthermore, BY CLICKING “SUBMIT” BELOW I understand all reasonable safety precautions will be taken at all times by the parish and its agents during youth programing and events. I understand the possibility of unforeseen hazards and know the inherent possibility of risk. I agree to waive and release, and indemnify and hold harmless Saint Sebastian Church, any and all affiliated organizations, its/their employees, agents, representatives, volunteers and drivers, from any and all claims my child may have, excluding claims for intentional misconduct or gross negligence, arising from or relating to my child’s participation in this event.Allergies or other MedicalPlease list any allergies or other information we should know about. Emergency Contact Person's Name(Required)Emergency Contact Persons' Phone(Required)Relationship to Youth(Required)Physician's Name(Required)Physician's Address(Required)Physician's Phone Number(Required)Name of Health Insurance Company(Required)Insurance Policy/Group Number(Required)Insurance Contact Number(Required)Photo Permission(Required) I DO grant permission to use photos/videos of my child(ren) I DO NOT grant permission to use photos/videos of my child(ren)