9408 Wilson Ave SW, Byron Center, Mi 49315

(616) 878-1619

Email: parishoffice@stsebastianmi.org

Events in and around the Diocese

The Jubilee of Hope, proclaimed by Pope Francis, is an extraordinary Holy Year set to begin on December 24, 2024, and conclude on January 6, 2026.

Pope Francis envisions this year as a time for the whole Church to rediscover and proclaim hope, fostering a spirit of resilience and optimism amid global challenges. Explore the virtue of hope, especially in the face of adversity, and find encouragement to become “pilgrims of hope” in your daily life. Whether you are looking to reconnect with your faith or find new spiritual pathways, this event promises to be a meaningful and uplifting experience.

Presenter Paulist Father Kenneth Boyack is a Catholic priest dedicated to helping people experience the fullness of life in Jesus Christ. He has served as the President of Paulist Evangelization Ministries, focusing on spreading the Gospel through innovative methods.

Registration Required ($15-25 donation suggested). To register for this event visit catholicinformationcenter.org or call 616-459-7267.

Faith-Based Employment Outreach Program

The St. Robert Roundtable is an affiliate of the Employment and Resource Network and provides a support group and career coaching to the unemployed and people in career transition. The group meets at St. Robert Newminster Parish (6477 Ada Dr, Ada) 
Tuesday, January 22, and February 5 & 192025 from 9:30-11:30am
Our Zoom sessions are on alternate Wednesdays.
Questions? Contact: Bill Weitzel at 616-446-1873 or weitzelwj@aol.com.

More information about EaRN can be found at www.earn-network.org.

The Grand Rapids Catholic Committee on Scouting invites all youth and adults involved in Scouting in the Diocese of Grand Rapids to this Mass celebrated by Bishop Walkowiak followed by a recognition ceremony.

Please register at reband.ly/ScoutMass2025.

When you are hungry, where do you turn? For many in West Michigan, God’s Kitchen is a sustaining lifeline and a source of relief for the hunger they face.

In 2023, God’s Kitchen and food pantry services served more than 70,000 meals in response to the need for nutritious, filling meals in West Michigan. And the need only continues to grow.

On Jan. 27, 2025, Catholic Charities West Michigan hosts its annual Soup’s On For All! fundraiser supporting God’s Kitchen and food pantry programs to make these meals possible. Every dollar raised helps provide meals to those in need and encourages food security within West Michigan neighborhoods.

Tickets for Soup’s On For All! 2025 are now available! Visit soupsonforall.org for more information.

Host a Bowl Painting Party for
Catholic Charities’ Soup’s On Event

No matter your artistic abilities, bowl painting parties are a great way to have fun with your family and friends while supporting God’s Kitchen! Catholic Charities will provide you with kits that include paint, instructions, and bowls – providing everything you need to let your creativity run wild! It is $10 to keep the bowl or $8 to donate it back to CCWM for their annual Soup’s On for All event – or paint two – donate one and keep one for $15. To set up a bowl painting party, contact Jean Sullivan at 616-204-3706 or Jsul50@icloud.com

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Volunteers
needed at Trinity Health Saint Mary’s

Volunteers are needed to provide holy Communion to Catholic patients who are at Trinity Health St. Mary’s in downtown Grand Rapids. These volunteers bring the Eucharist as a sign of compassion and concern from the larger faith community for its members who are sick.

If you are currently serving your parish as a minister and could serve a minimum of 4 hours per month as a hospital volunteer, please contact Volunteer Coordinator Laura Conners at connerla@trinity-health.org.

Eucharistic Adoration around the Diocese

 Looking for opportunities to spend one on one time with Jesus?  The Diocese of Grand Rapids has published an online schedule of weekly days and times when Eucharistic Adoration is available in parishes throughout our diocese.  View the schedule at grdiocese.org, click on the “Parishes” menu, then “Adoration Schedules” from the dropdown.

Open your heart and home to a foster child in need!

Catholic Charities West Michigan is in desperate need of caring individuals to open their home to a foster child and show children the love they deserve. Please contact Alix Wanlass at awanlass@ccwestmi.org for more information on the numerous ways you can help.