9408 Wilson Ave SW, Byron Center, Mi 49315

(616) 878-1619

Email: parishoffice@stsebastianmi.org

Events in and Around the Diocese




Are you discerning the priesthood?

The Explore Priesthood Group is a discernment opportunity sponsored by the diocesan Office of Priestly Vocations. Each month, young men (ages 16 – 35) are invited to gather and discern God’s will for their lives.

Time for prayer and reflection will be held monthly at St. Stephen Parish in East Grand Rapids beginning at 12:30 p.m.

This year’s discernment opportunities are offered on the following Sunday:   May 15.

Feel free to show up or call to let us know you are coming at 616-288-0910.  Questions, email Pattie Reynolds (preynolds@grdiocese.org).


The Begger’s Bell Bash
Wednesday, May 18, 2022 at 6pm
at Noto’s Old World Italian Dining
$75/person — click here to purchase tickets

Franciscan Life Process Center’s Beggar’s Bell Bash is a celebration of the individual gifts of each person in West Michigan. Throughout history and across cultures, people in need have often used a beggar’s bell to encourage bystanders to become aware of their undiscovered giftedness. Proceeds from this event will support our counseling program, art program and further development of our land focus on connection, education, accessibility and our environmental impact. Join us for a strolling dinner, drinks and dancing with entertainment from the local West Michigan Band Brena.

Summer Experiences for Children at
the Franciscan Life Process Center
11650 Downes St, Lowell, MI

Click here to see their summer programs for 2022

Adoration around the Diocese

 Looking for opportunities to spend one on one time with Jesus?  The Diocese of Grand Rapids has published an online schedule of weekly days and times when Eucharistic Adoration is available in parishes throughout our diocese.  View the schedule at grdiocese.org, click on the “Parishes” menu, then “Adoration Schedules” from the dropdown.


Faith-Based Employment Outreach Program

The St. Robert Roundtable is an affiliate of the Employment and Resource Network and provides a support group and career coaching to unemployed and people in career transition.  The group meets at St. Roberts (6477 Ada Dr, Ada; in classroom 203) every other week, Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30 am and presents a varied program  More information about EaRN can be found at their website: www.earn-network.org.  For more information, contact: Bill Weitzel, 616-446-1873 Email:weitzelwj@aol.com.